Calculates the real-world PFS (rwPFS) endpoint given information on follow-up period, progression-, and death dates.

  .start_date = NULL,
  .visit_gap_start_date = NULL,
  .last_progression_abstraction_date = NULL,
  .progression_date = NULL,
  .last_activity_date = NULL,
  .death_date = NULL,
  .death_window_days = NULL,
  .max_follow_up_days = Inf,
  .label = ""



a data frame


character. The name of a date column in .df that represents the baseline date


character. The name of a date column in .df that represents the date of the last visit before a large (usually >90d) visit gap occurring after start_date (if any). Progression follow-up will be censored at this date (latest). Dates should be NA if there's no visit gap.


character. The name of a date column in .df that represents the date up which real-world progression was abstracted in the database. Progression follow-up will be censored at this date (latest).


character. The name of a date column in .df that represents the date of first progression after start date (if any). Dates should be NA if there's no progression.


character. The name of a date column in .df that represents the date of last structural activity in the database. Progression follow-up will be censored at this date (latest).


character. The name of a date column in .df that represents the date of death. Dates should be NA if there's no recorded death.


integer. How many days after end of progression follow-up should death events be included? This is necessary because patients often drop out of the database shortly before death, and (only) death events correlated with the end of follow-up should be captured. Common values are 30-60 days, but this may depend on various factors. See vignette for how to decide on the length of this time window.


integer. Maximum number of days after which patients will be censored.


character. Label to keep track of multiple rwPFS endpoints in one dataset.


Returns a data frame with the following new data columns added:

New Columns:


The end date of progression follow-up. This is the earliest non-missing date of .visit_gap_start_date, .last_progression_abstraction_date, and .last_activity_date


The type of rwPFS event: "Death", "Progression", "Censored", or "Missing" (if rwPFS could not be calculated)


The rwPFS event- or censoring date.


The time from .start_date to rwpfs<label>_date in days.


Whether a rwPFS event was recorded (1) or the observation was censored (0)


The time from .start_date to rwpfs<label>_date in months.

If rwPFS could not be calculated, the rwpfs<label>_event_type will be set to "Missing", and all other columns will contain missing values. This can be due to one of the following reasons: missing .last_progression_abstraction_date <= .start_date, missing .last_activity_date or <= .start_date, .last_progression_abstraction_date <= .start_date, or .death_date <= .start_date (this can happen when death dates are rounded for anonymization purposes).


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{


#Starting point: the simprog simulated dataset (included in RwPFS) 

#Add rwPFS:
df <- simprog %>% 
    .start_date = "baseline_date",                    #baseline date for measuring time-to-event
    .visit_gap_start_date = "visit_gap_start_date",   #the start date of any gap in visits >90 days  
    .last_progression_abstraction_date = "last_progression_abstraction_date", 
    .progression_date = "progression_date_all_events",#the date of progression (none: NA)
    .last_activity_date = "last_activity_date",       #the date of last activity in the database
    .death_date = "death_date",                       #the date of death
    .death_window_days = 30,                          #include death events <30d after progression EOF
    .max_follow_up_days = Inf,                        #censor patients after a maximum time. 
    .label = "_all_events"                            #Label for this rwPFS endpoint (for comparisons)

#View the result:
df %>% 
  select(contains("rwPFS")) %>% 

} # }