Datasets of reference studies


Create a log hazard ratio data object


Convert to loghr_data

Model estimation with reference studies


Meta-analysis of external control studies

normal() invgamma() student_t() uniform()

Prior distributions


Summary of external control meta-analysis using JAGS


Summary of external control meta-analysis using maximum likelihood

Prediction for new study

predict(<ecmeta_jags>) predict(<ecmeta_ml>)

Predict log hazard ratio

summary(<ecmeta_jags_prediction>) summary(<ecmeta_ml_prediction>)

Summary of predicted log hazard ratios

Bayesian model diagnostics

Helper functions that facilitate visualization of model diagnostics with the bayesplot package. The as.array() methods in particular allows ecmeta and ecmeta prediction objects to be passed directly to any bayesplot function in which the first arguemnt accepts an object with an as.array() method. See for instance bayesplot::mcmc_trace().

as.array(<ecmeta_jags>) as.array(<ecmeta_jags_prediction>) as.array(<ecmeta_ml_prediction>)

Convert object to array